Finally Moving On
After eight years of using Octopress, this site is moving to a purer Jekyll blog using Minimal Mistakes Theme. I have previously written about the problems of keeping it going (1, 2) and have looked at alternatives several times. Recently I built a couple of other small websites using Jekyll. The straw that moved me to action was discovering that the JQuery version used had several security issues. Rather than work through that problem with the likelihood of other problems, I decided to experiment with moving my content.
Markdown provides a lot of portability. I now use VSCode as my primary editor, and it has a great “Find in Files” and “Replace in Files” that allows making modifications to existing content. This content goes back to 2008 with original hosting on Tumblr (in, out).
I will likely find items to repair, create a better home page, and rationalize categories and tags, but it looks like I can preserve the permalinks so that URLs still work.
It looks like categories should be limited (perhaps related to roles) with many more tags. Each tag will start with a number sign (#).
Perhaps the roles can be teach, developer, productivity, personal, and citizen.
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