1 minute read

While catching up on my reading, I came across a reference (and praise) for Typora, a new markdown editor, that had recently come out of a long beta cycle. I do a lot of composing in markdown (usually in VSCode) and use Marked 2 for preview and publishing.

Typora’s website provides an excellent introduction to the tool. Typora allows you to type markdown and quickly see the impact of any markup when you aren’t editing that section of the text. I also noted that my Grammarly Desktop app provides its services in the composition process.

Typora allows one to have the front-matter at the top of the file required by MultiMarkdown and Jekyll. It also incorporates source code highlighting, showing linked images, \(\LaTeX\)-style math equations such as

\[\tan(x) = \frac{\sin(x)}{\cos(x)},\]

and Mermaid drawings such as

sequenceDiagram title: User deposits $100 into checking account actor User participant CheckingAccount note right of CheckingAccount: increases balance from
$1000 to $1100 which is logged participant TLogger User->>CheckingAccount: deposit(10000) activate CheckingAccount CheckingAccount->>TLogger: logTransaction(name,'deposit',10000,110000) activate TLogger deactivate TLogger deactivate CheckingAccount

To use the generated markdown in Jekyll to embed \(\LaTeX\), one must include the non-code block text

<script type="text/javascript" id="MathJax-script" async

somewhere, while using Mermaid will require including the non-code block text

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/mermaid/dist/mermaid.min.js"></script>
 mermaid.initialize({ startOnLoad: true });

and changing the Jekyll-bound markdown to remove the Mermaid code block and wrap the code with use <div class="mermaid">...</div>

Typora has a 15-day trial and costs $15 (one-time) for continued use. Typora is licensed per user and allows use on three devices. The site also notes that versions are available for macOS, Linux, and Windows.

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