1 minute read

Back in an earlier post, I lamented about some of the errors made by DropBox that (greatly) reduced the security on data and how I was looking at SpiderOak.

I am now reporting that the experiment with SpiderOak is now complete. I have had three occasions where it has lost (many) items during it’s syncing. I forgave the first one as I had changed things on it real quick and SpiderOak is slow to sync (in 10-15 minute range). The second situation occurred when networking went very unreliable during a storm. I don’t really know (nor care) what the third cause was. I am to the point that I am greatly afraid I won’t notice a loss till it has happened in the too distant past.

On these losses, I have both Time Machine and (probably) SpiderOak retrievals of the lost data so I hopefully am able to recover all the data without a great deal of pain (i.e. regenerating it).

However, it is tremendously less security from loss than with DropBox even though it is, by architecture, less likely to expose my information to third parties.

Where to next? I will be splitting my data between Dropbox and non-replicated data that needs to stay private as well as terminating my SpiderOak account.

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