less than 1 minute read

Lots of work has been done by the Subversion team (probably in response to Git). One can now do a merge from a project branch back into the main trunk rather easy:

svn merge ^/tags/version-1.6.1/

will merge changes in 1.6.1 not in the trunk. The ^ is relative remote addressing.


Another example:

svn merge --dry-run --revision 944:945 ^/trunk/oumgt/

will show you the actions that would be taken if one asked to merge revision 945 from the trunk/oumgt/ space into the present present space.

Update 2:

Related example:

svn merge --dry-run ^/trunk/oumgt/

will show you the actions that would be taken if one wishes to apply all revisions in trunk/oumgt/ space but not in the present present space.

Update 3:

SVN is still limited in how it can track changes and moving things back and forth will eventually cause trouble. In short, one should decide to mostly merge in one direction. The approved way to merge in the opposite direction is to do a “–reintegrate” merge after which one should no longer use the branch merged from. This page describes things at SVN 1.5

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